Круглый стол по проблемам участников СЭЗ "Астана - новый город" (14.08.2015)

Встречи с заместителем Акима и руководителем ЦОПа (30.07.14 г.)

Meeting with investors of Morport Alatau (16-18 of July, 2014)

Congress of participants of special economic zones (20 of May, 2014)

Meeting of participants of SEZ -Astana new city (5 of May,2014)

Round table of leading companies of SEZ (30 of april, 2014)

Business trip to SEZ Park of innovative technologies ( 16 of April)

Business trip to SEZ Ontustik ( 15 of April. 2014)

Association of participants of special economic zones of Kazakhstan "SezUnion". All rights reserved. 2017

Association of participants of special economic zones of Kazakhstan "SezUnion"